Why do we say that everything happens for a reason?
As cheesy as it sounds, it’s the only truth that you need to know. It sure does keep you positive, but more than that, it gives you answers.
Whenever you find yourself thinking ‘Why me?’, think about this. And I’m not saying that just for the sake of it. Take a closer look and you’ll understand it’s depth. I have come across many incidents in my life to support the fact that everything does actually happen for a reason. It’s just that you gotta find yours. To help you understand better, here’s one of mine.
I lost a good friend a few months ago. Sad that I lost her to bare misunderstanding and peer pressure. We weren’t friends for that long, but we did manage to build a great friendship. It’s always painful to lose a friend, more than a partner even. I spent weeks trying to figure out why a person who knew me so well, chose to leave me. But as it is with everything else, I tried keeping myself positive. At that time, telling myself that it happened for a reason wasn’t enough, because I didn’t know what the reason could even be. Why was I chosen to face something like that? Initially, I kept telling myself that maybe the reason is — to teach me that not all the friendships work out.
I got so depressed that I started writing about it. As it always is, pain drives art. This pain drove me to write and write until I didn’t wanna write about it anymore. Once I stopped, I thought to myself how I’d been away from writing for so long. I let go of my passion thinking I’m not worthy of it. But the pain of losing someone brought me back to it.
To me, it seemed quite ridiculous that I needed somebody to do that to me to fuel my passion. So I decided that I’m not stopping this time. I have started and I will continue it. I joined content writing internships and gained even more exposure to the world of writing. I discovered the writing sides of me that I didn’t even know I had. I started enjoying it again and decided to never leave it as I did before. For the first time in my life, I was not confused about something. There was a certainty and there was excitement.
And then it hit me, this was my reason! This was the reason all of it happened. I could finally connect the dots, everything started making sense. My friend left me but I would’ve never started writing again if it weren’t for her. My path must’ve been different if she stayed. And maybe writing would’ve become a lost passion for the rest of my life. She has no idea about this, but with her gone, I gained so much more. I had finally found my reason.
All it takes is a closer look. Sooner or later, we all realize our reasons. And trust me, it’s always a good one!