Hi Kieth, thanks for taking the time to provide your valuable feedback.
My statements were not in contradiction because where it says that the soul leaves from the chakra, it talks about the soul being released from the body. And where it says that the soul is released after cremation, it refers to the soul being released from the face of earth. I should have mentioned it with clarity maybe.
No, the soul does not have a gender but the reason I used ‘he’ is because referring to the soul as ít’ sounds lifeless to me and that is not something I wished to depict.
About the rest of the things that you mentioned regarding this existing in our mental lives only, I would not deny it. We might not have a concrete proof to say that all/any of this is true but we do have ancient books which elucidate all these concepts. Again, a book cannot be the only evidence and it can all be pure fiction or imagination. But at the end each person is free to believe what deems suitable to them. Like you wish to believe that things without evidences are not worth believing but no body said that we’re only supposed to believe in things that ‘’prove’ things. Even this is a part of our imagination where we’ve tried to create a notion where the right thing is supposed to have proof and the imagination is supposed to remain an illusion since it has no evidence.
Pardon me for going off topic like that, but I’d just like to focus on the fact that everything the humankind has ever done and evolved into by far, is all imagination and a product of it. It just boils down to who believes in what.