Hi Dennett, I’m so sorry about what you and Ben are going through right now. My wishes are with you.
When you said you were on to leaving Medium, it was a shocker. Perhaps none of the Medium writers’ departure from Medium has affected me as much as yours has (and there have been some really great writers who have left).
I’m not as active as I used to be here but a few months ago, when I was a lot into publishing poems, I remember you being super supportive, especially when I published in W&W. I’m not sure if you remember this but you appreciated one of the poems I wrote so much that your comment brought tears to my eyes. And when a writer as great as you says it is one of your top favourites from the four years you had been on Medium, there’s truly no greater joy.
I have been in and out of Medium quite a few times after that. But Dennett was that one thing that was always consistent. With your wholesome concepts of simple essay writing, sharing pictures and your daily life with us, it’s almost impossible to imagine a Medium without you.
Please never leave, we’re always here :) <3